POUS (Point of Use Storage)

POUS – What is it and Why is it Important?

Original publication date: August 13th, 2017
Updated: February 1st, 2024

Point-of-Use Storage (POUS), or Point-of-Use Inventory, has evolved to become an integral part of the ‘Set in Order‘ step in the 6S Lean Process. While traditionally associated with the 5S methodology, recent advancements and a broader understanding of lean principles have led to its inclusion in the updated 6S framework. The 6S Lean Process enhances the original 5S methodology by adding a sixth ‘S’ for Safety, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a safe and health-conscious work environment.

Within this updated framework, POUS plays a significant role in creating a highly efficient, waste-free workspace. It involves storing materials or tools at the exact location where they are needed, thereby reducing unnecessary handling and movement. This approach aligns perfectly with the ‘Set in Order’ stage of 6S, which focuses on organizing the workplace in a manner that promotes workflow efficiency and eliminates wasteful activities.

By implementing Point of Use Storage, materials and tools that are frequently utilized become easily accessible. Although this may seem obvious, it is often overlooked. Let’s face it, how often is time wasted searching for something required to complete a task? More than we would care to admit, using POUS helps to minimize this wasted time. 

Inventory, particularly the excessive handling of it is also deemed a significant source of waste. Inventory is often transported multiple times before it is even used. It is moved from one station for inspection, then to another for storage, and once more when it is brought to the designated work area. Not to mention the additional storage in secondary locations. Similarly, this cumbersome process can apply to Work in Progress (WIP). All these steps are unnecessary.

In the context of the 6S Lean Process, the implementation of POUS can lead to more streamlined operations, reduced waste, and improved productivity. By storing inventory right at the point of use, businesses can significantly minimize the time spent searching for items, moving them around, and managing excess inventory. This not only enhances operational efficiency but also contributes to a safer, clutter-free work environment, reinforcing the added ‘Safety’ element of the 6S methodology.

By initiating POUS, new inventory finds its rightful place directly in the work center. Allocating appropriate storage space is crucial to optimize the available area for each specific location. Shelves and bins prove invaluable in organizing tools and materials, considering the diverse ways they can be fitted into different areas. Clear and sturdy labels for various materials are essential to ensure all workers can access what they need without wasting time.

Ultimately, POUS works to streamline material handling, leading to reduced damage and waste. Improved operational efficiency translates to more streamlined production and overall cost reduction.

It is important to remember that every business has unique requirements. Different businesses, varying in size, contend with distinct staffing levels, production capacities, regular machinery and tools, and even different locations. Value Stream Mapping serves as an excellent tool to tailor the execution of POUS to meet the specific needs of any business.

Point-of-Use Storage is an invaluable tool when it comes to creating a highly efficient, waste-free workspace. If your business has been looking to implement the techniques discussed in this blog and would like to set up a complimentary visit to discuss in further detail, please call Phyllis Levine, Director of Operations, at (845)391-8214 Ext. 3001 or via email to phyllis.levine@hvtdc.org.