“Set in Order” Stage of 5S Helps Companies Find Place for All Items in Workplace

In our latest blog series, we are detailing 5S implementation and what is required of each step.

For those who do not know about 5S, it is a program that helps companies reach maximum efficiency. The program stands for sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. Understanding the concept is the first step towards implementation. The next step is hiring an expert to help.

This month, we will be discussing the “Set in Order” stage.

The purpose of the Set in Order stage is to find a place for everything and put everything in its place. At the end of this stage, there will be a set place for everything in the workplace.

Key takeaways from the Set in Order stage:

  • Arrange items for convenience when using.
  • Eliminate wasting time looking for certain tools and items.
  • Simplify the work process by making it easier to find necessary tools.
  • Create a plan to help the workplace stay in this new organization.
  • Organize items based on their frequency of use and proximity to where they are used.

In the Set in Order step, companies should match the place of an item with its amount of use. Items used more frequently should be designated first and should be placed near where they will be used. By moving items not frequently used out of the way, the workplace will become more efficient.

Set in Order Action Items:

  • Eliminate unnecessary items
  • Take before and after photographs
  • Label items and workplace with new Set in Order organization
  • Find the true use for each item in order to choose its new placement
  • Make a list of the items and their new locations until employees get used to the new set up

Labeling is also very important during the Set in Order stage so that even those who did not help make the plan can abide by the new designated places for workplace items. Companies have used shadow boards, creating a shadow the shape and size of an item, as a way to identify its proper place. Labels are extremely useful during this phase of Set in Order as well.

Things you can Set in Order:

  • Offices
  • Books
  • Papers
  • Blueprints/Plans
  • Invoices
  • Desk Drawers
  • Tools
  • Storage areas

In conclusion, it is important to remember that once everything has been assigned a proper place, also create a system that will help everything easily be returned to its proper place so as to maintain your Set in Order step.