NYS Consolidated Funding Application



A centerpiece of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s strategy to jumpstart the economy and create jobs, ten Regional Economic Development Councils (REDCs) were put in place in 2011 to redesign the state’s approach to economic development.

The Governor has directed over $750 million in state resources to be made available through the Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) this year to support economic development priorities of the strategic plans and job creation across the state.

The CFA process replaced multiple applications for economic development projects with a single application for state economic development resources from numerous state agencies. The CFA is a modern and easy-to-use online application that allows businesses and other entities to apply for multiple agency funding sources through a single, web-based application.

Resources for community development, direct assistance to business, waterfront revitalization, energy and environmental improvements, government efficiency, sustainability, workforce development, and low-cost financing are available.

Applications are now being accepted
DEADLINE: Friday, July 27th at 4 pm


CFA Application Manual: HERE

CFA Available Resources: HERE

REDC Guidebook: HERE


For any questions contact:
(845) 391 – 8214 ext. 3001