The 6S Lean Process: Standardize (Seiketsu)- Establishing Routines and Setting Expectations

Welcome to the fourth installment of our 6S series. Standardize (Seiketsu), the fourth step in the 6S Lean process, plays a crucial role in maintaining the progress achieved through the first three stages. By combining the results of Sort, Set in Order, and Shine; Standardize focuses on developing routines, reinforcing them, and establishing clear expectations for employees. Standardization fosters consistency and efficiency within your organization, ensuring that there are clear benchmarks for performance.

Combining the Results of the First Three Stages: 

Standardize builds upon the outcomes of the first three steps of the 6S Lean process. After sorting and organizing items, individuals are encouraged to develop routines that ensure consistent cleanliness, organization, and safety. By combining the results of Sort, Set in Order, and Shine; organizations can establish a strong foundation for sustainable improvements and continuous progress.

Developing Routines: 

Standardize emphasizes the importance of developing routines that promote orderliness, cleanliness, and efficiency in the workplace. These routines encompass everyday tasks such as cleaning, maintenance, and quality control. By establishing standardized procedures, organizations can streamline operations and reduce variations, leading to increased productivity and consistency across processes.

Once routines are in place, the Standardize step focuses on reinforcing and sustaining them over time. Regular monitoring and feedback mechanisms help identify deviations from established standards and provide opportunities for corrective action. By continuously reinforcing the importance of adhering to routines, organizations foster a culture of discipline and accountability.

Teaching Employees and Setting Expectations: 

Standardize is not only about developing and reinforcing routines, but also about effectively communicating and teaching these practices to employees. Setting clear expectations ensures that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in maintaining standardized processes. Training programs, visual aids, and regular communication channels can be employed to educate employees on these standards and their significance.

Example Questions to Evaluate Standardization: 

To assess the effectiveness of the Standardize (Seiketsu) step in your organization, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Do you maintain high standards of housekeeping and workplace organization at all times?
  2. Does each process within your organization have a clearly defined standard?
  3. Are these standards consistently met and maintained by employees?
  4. Do you regularly evaluate and provide feedback on adherence to established routines?
  5. How effectively do you communicate and teach these standards to new employees?

Ensuring Consistency and Continuous Improvement: 

Standardization sets the stage for ongoing process optimization and empowers employees to take ownership of their workspaces. By developing routines, reinforcing them, and effectively communicating expectations, organizations foster consistency, discipline, and continuous improvement. Adhering to standardized procedures leads to reduced variations, increased productivity, and a culture of accountability. By regularly evaluating and refining standards, organizations can ensure sustained progress and empower employees to contribute to their workspace’s success.

Lean Manufacturing is an invaluable tool when it comes to improving your business processes. If your business has been looking to implement the Lean techniques discussed in this blog and would like to set up a complimentary visit to discuss in further detail, please call Phyllis Levine, Director of Operations, at (845)391-8214 Ext. 3001 or via email to