The 6S Lean Process: Sustain (Shitsuke)- Nurturing Good Habits and Continuous Improvement

In our fifth installment of our 6S series, we will be diving into Sustain. Sustain (Shitsuke), one of the final steps in the 6S Lean process, focuses on following established routines and building good habits within an organization. While primarily psychological, Sustain can be reinforced through regular monitoring, evaluation, and training. Sustain is all about the  importance of nurturing good habits, ensuring that 6S is not just one-and-done for your company, but a process of continuous improvement.

Following Established Routines and Building Good Habits: 

Sustain emphasizes the importance of consistency and maintaining the routines and standards established in the previous steps of the 6S Lean process. By following these routines, organizations can nurture positive habits that drive operational excellence. Consistency is key to embedding these habits into the daily workflows and culture of the organization.

Mostly Psychological, but Reinforced through Monitoring and Evaluation: 

Unlike the previous steps in the 6S Lean process, Sustain is mostly psychological in nature. It requires individuals to take ownership of their actions, demonstrate discipline, and uphold the established standards. However, organizations can reinforce this psychological aspect through regular monitoring and evaluation mechanisms. By conducting regular audits, inspections, and assessments; organizations can measure adherence to standards, identify areas for improvement, and provide feedback to employees.

Example Questions to Evaluate Sustaining Efforts: 

To assess the effectiveness of the Sustain (Shitsuke) step in your organization, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  1. Are regular audits performed to ensure adherence to established routines and standards?
  2. Is your staff trained and empowered to sustain the habits and practices established during the 6S Lean process?
  3. Do you have a system in place to monitor and evaluate the sustenance of good habits?
  4. How do you recognize and reward employees who consistently uphold the established standards?
  5. Are there mechanisms in place to address deviations from the established routines and habits?

Training and Discipline to Reinforce Good Habits: 

Sustain involves training employees and instilling discipline to fortify positive habits. Organizations should invest in comprehensive training programs that educate employees on the importance of sustaining improvements and provide tools and techniques to help them do so effectively. Additionally, cultivating a culture of discipline through clear expectations, accountability, and recognition can further reinforce the desired behaviors and habits.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptability: 

Sustaining the gains achieved through the 6S Lean process is not a one-time effort, but an ongoing journey of continuous improvement. Organizations should encourage employees to seek opportunities for innovation, adapt practices to evolving needs, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of established routines. Embracing a mindset of continuous improvement ensures that the organization remains agile, adaptable, and competitive in a rapidly changing environment.

By following established routines, embedding positive habits, and reinforcing psychological aspects through monitoring and evaluation, organizations can sustain the progress achieved through the earlier stages of 6S. Sustain allows organizations to set themselves up for long-term success in achieving operational excellence.

Lean Manufacturing is an invaluable tool when it comes to improving your business processes. If your business has been looking to implement the Lean techniques discussed in this blog and would like to set up a complimentary visit to discuss in further detail, please call Phyllis Levine, Director of Operations, at (845)391-8214 Ext. 3001 or via email to