The Grant Writing Journey of EverFoam Products with MTEC: Paving the Way for Sustainable Innovations

In the competitive landscape of modern manufacturing, where sustainability and innovation are key, EverFoam Products stands out for driving change through strategic grant pursuits. To assist them with securing grant funds, Everfoam partnered with MTEC to advise them through the early product stages and utilize our expertise in securing grant funds through Fuze Hub’s Advanced Materials Technical Assistance Program. Through this initiative, EverFoam and MTEC together underscore the potential for collaborative efforts to minimize environmental impacts and drive the industry towards sustainable practices.

Understanding EverFoam’s Sustainable Initiative

EverFoam Products, an esteemed player in the manufacturing arena, has set its sights on crafting a more sustainable future, one product at a time. Their goal is to develop a foam-filled foil balloon—to revolutionize the celebratory artifact niche. The story behind this novel product began with a bold vision for sustainability.

To create a product that would stand the test of time, EverFoam embarked on a monumental challenge—to evolve the conventional foil balloon into an eco-friendly alternative. The core of this innovation is rooted in materials science, with a stringent focus on sustainability metrics that will not only meet ethical standards but also redefine what it means to celebrate responsibly.

The path to sustainability is never an easy one, particularly in a sector entrenched in traditional practices. EverFoam’s commitment to this cause drives each decision, from material selection to manufacturing processes, ensuring that sustainability is not a tagline, but a tangible manifestation within every cell of the foam-filled foil balloons that’ll soon adorn events worldwide.

The Strategic Grant Writing Process

EverFoam’s commitment to sustainability guided the company to apply for a grant that provided both strategic direction and financial assistance specifically designed to support innovation in advanced materials. The process of applying for the grant was comprehensive and detailed. With MTEC’s assistance, EverFoam carefully selected the program that closely matched their project objectives and crafted a proposal that clearly demonstrated the broader impact and innovative nature of their product. Through this process, EverFoam effectively showcased its capability in navigating the complexities of grant writing.

The importance of receiving this grant extends beyond the financial support it provides. It acts as an endorsement from industry experts and regulatory authorities, acknowledging that EverFoam’s endeavors are not only ambitious but also in line with the worldwide demand for sustainable solutions. This recognition serves as a significant achievement, highlighting the combined foresight of EverFoam and MTEC and the potential of their collaborative efforts to minimize the environmental impact of everyday items.

MTEC offers application assistance for the NYS Advanced Materials Manufacturing Initiatives Grant, a program designed to provide education, technical assessments, and funding opportunities for NY MEP Centers. This grant is aimed at supporting manufacturers who wish to replace traditional materials in their products with more sustainable options. 

To discuss the grant further and explore how MTEC can support your business, please contact our Director of Operations, Phyllis Levine, at (845)391-8214 Ext. 3001 or via email at to arrange a complimentary visit.