The food-pharma-cosmetic ingredient industry is thriving in the Hudson Valley thanks to the visionary leadership of STAUBER, Inc.’s Executive Management supported by the staff and engineers of the Hudson Valley Technology Development Center (HVTDC). For the past two years, the Florida, NY manufacturer has performed a large-scale facility upgrade, numerous process and equipment improvements, and software development as they pave their way toward world class stature.
The facility, boasting over 80,000 square feet, produces and supplies ingredients to the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and pet care industries. Seeking to implement significant and diverse technical upgrades and enhancements, STAUBER contracted with HVTDC to provide technical, business, and program management support to augment their internal resources. HVTDC’s Senior Strategic Business Adviser, Jim Kehoe, was assigned to lead the effort and immediately set forth to develop a comprehensive plan detailing the actions, budgets, and timetable to execute the strategy. Upon review and acceptance by STAUBER Senior Management, HVTDC, with Kehoe in the lead role, was retained to manage the day-to-day activities and implement the plan.
The process began with a Lean Manufacturing Value Stream which created both a current state map of the operation and a future state map highlighting the areas and activities requiring in-depth review, modification, and action. HVTDC engineers examined and modified existing layouts of production rooms occupied by various mixing machines and developed detailed plans for equipment location, facility upgrades, safety enhancements, and environmental compliance improvements to existing exhaust and drainage systems.
Executing the plans required HVTDC to assemble a diverse, professional array of both HVTDC resources and other regional companies with the expertise necessary to address the required changes. For example, an architectural firm was engaged to design significant revisions to the facility layout. Structural Engineers were involved to design upgrades to floor loading permitting additional production suites to be constructed on the second floor. A Licensed Professional Engineering firm was retained to design the electrical, drainage and HVAC systems. With all of these systems designed, HVTDC then engaged and managed numerous local contractors that have been working for over a year to implement them. Plans were reviewed with and approval obtained from the Village Planning Board, the Building Inspector, and appropriate regulatory agencies such as the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC).
Large worker and machine platforms were designed and constructed under HVTDC’s guidance and supervision to maximize efficiency and enhance space utilization, while improving workplace safety. The first operator platform was designed and erected for a high-shear mixer, dispersing ingredients into a main immiscible liquid through a high-speed rotor. The new platform allows workers to safely load product into the machine. In addition, a worker platform was designed and constructed to allow access to the large ribbon blender, an internal mixer infusing dry powders with liquids. This was completed while ensuring the proper placement of the platform and the blender to fit the room in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA).
Several machine upgrades were implemented to improve product flow, efficiency and safety. These included safety laser light curtains installed on a V Blender and two rotary mixers to stop the machine at any point in its process and prevent injury when workers are in close proximity. Improvements and alterations to the rotary mixers, V blender, fluid bed granulators, and a number of other machines continue to this day.
The most extensive improvements and modifications were made to the bottling production line. HVTDC engineers refurbished, debugged, or replaced every piece of equipment. The original equipment manufacturers were contacted where possible to obtain missing specifications, bills of materials, and replacement parts. Using HVTDC’s in-house MakerBot Replicator 2 3D Printer, HVTDC designed and printed replacements for unavailable parts or improvements. Using the 3D Printer, the printed designs of different shapes and sizes from the digital model were tested before developing the final part. Sensors were installed at strategic points to allow the uninterrupted continuous flow of product and automate the fill and weigh process steps. Replacements were located, purchased, and installed for equipment that could not be retrofitted cost-effectively. The bottling line is now a fully automated production line that requires approximately one-third of the labor compared to other industry installations.
To achieve the necessary level of control documentation, a Master Batch Record (MBR) system was installed as a database for Stauber’s recipes which has helped improve its quality and traceability. Unlike the old structure which was comprised of a series of simple spreadsheets, this system describes and records every aspect of the formulation process, from the weight and moisture content to the mixing instructions, tabulating information into a database easily accessible and updated by all employees. HVTDC staff also provides ongoing hands-on IT support with on-site troubleshooting and rewiring, having discovered viruses and compromised servers.
In the end, all components of Stauber’s facility upgrade, from architectural and structural, to the process improvements, prototypes, and software development, has the Florida, NY business operating at a substantially higher level of efficiency. The now industry-standard production and environmental conditions of the facility are critical to the improved quality of the end product. STAUBER is able to respond quickly and flexibly to customer requirements as a complete solution provider.
The STAUBER project clearly displays the diversity and depth of HVTDC’s engineering services. With Jim at the helm, the HVTDC team provided the guidance and assistance in making Stauber’s vision a reality.
At last, “world class” status is right around the corner.
![]() Jim Kehoe Senior Strategic Business Advisor
![]() Natalie Dickman Technical Support
![]() Kim Eagleston Electrical Engineer
![]() Bryan Hartz Electrical Engineer
![]() Travis Hayden Electrical Engineer
![]() Everton H. Henriques Regional Innovation Specialist
![]() Shirley Huang Software Engineer
![]() Bob Incerto Principle Engineer
![]() Phil van Oss Program Engineer
![]() Geoff Young IT Specialist